Where Is The Most Dangerous Place To Have Plastic Surgery?

Where Is The Most Dangerous Place To Have Plastic Surgery?

As the years keep going by, plastic surgery is becoming more and more popular. They range from minor procedures involving Botox to complex procedures such as tummy tucks. And in those cases, these surgeries rarely cause complications. But you have to remember, that each time you decide to go through surgery, you are taking a risk. And some surgeries are riskier than others. That is why if you decide to get a surgical procedure, you need to know all of your risks. There is one particular area of your body where plastic surgery is the riskiest.

Not All Areas For Plastic Surgery On Your Body Are Safe

If you want to have a nose job, that is fine. There are risks associated with it as you know but that is not the most dangerous area to have plastic surgery. The same goes for a facelift, and also as previously mentioned, a tummy tuck. However, if you decide to get plastic surgery on your buttocks, you will want to reconsider. That is because getting surgery on your buttocks is the most dangerous place to have the procedure.

As a matter of fact, experts agree that the most dangerous type of surgery is the Brazilian butt lift or the BBL. Death may occur as common as one in every 2,351 Brazilian butt lifts according to a board-certified plastic surgeon. Yet, this surgery is one of the most popular ones even though the risks are known.

Why Is Surgery On Your Buttocks The Riskiest?

Why Is Surgery On Your Buttocks The Riskiest?

You have to understand the main purpose of a BBL is to harvest fat from unwanted areas such as the stomach or love handles and transfer it to the buttocks. The point of that is to create a curvey shape. But here is the thing. The surgery can go wrong when the fat is injected into the wrong place. The fat can end up in the larger blood vessels in the gluteal region which means it can transfer up to the lungs. That is the cause of a pulmonary fat embolism. When the fat is in the lungs, it will not only interfere with breathing but can cause death.

Other causes of pulmonary fat embolism are fractures to the pelvic region which can cause the fat to circulate into the respiratory areas that will cause a blockage.

How To Know If You Have A Pulmonary Fat Embolism?

You would have to look at the signs of it from 12 to 72 hours after the trauma or the BBL. Signs of a pulmonary fat embolism are shortness of breath and rapid breathing, mental confusion, fever, lethargy, and a petechial rash which is on the chest, neck, and chest resulting from bleeding under the skin. In severe cases, you can end up in a coma, but if you have any of those signs, then you must go immediately to the ER. You will also have anemia. If caught early enough, treatment does work. Since there is such a significant risk, should you never get a BBL? It depends.

BBL Can Be Done Safely Under Certain Conditions

If you want to have a BBL because you want to have a curvy figure, then you will need to first assess your risk. If you are a smoker, you will want to stop smoking before the procedure. Also, if you have a history of blood clots, you will not be a good candidate for this procedure. If none of these are factors, then you will want to look for the most recommended surgeon who has a track record of doing BBLs in a safe manner. A good surgeon will not perform a risk if they feel you are not a good candidate because the risk is too high.

Therefore, since you now know the risks, you will want to assess the safety of getting the procedure before jumping in and doing it. If you are not a good candidate, then you will have to work at appreciating your body.

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