Why Are Your Feet Really So Sweaty?

Why Are Your Feet Really So Sweaty?

If you have been working out at the gym, or have been on your feet for over an hour doing house chores, you will notice that is the time when your feet become sweaty and that is normal. You may also notice that your feet become sweaty after being anxious about something as anxiety can cause your body to go into overdrive. You have to realize that sweat itself is odorless. The reason that your feet smell is that there is a concentration of bacteria that thrive on your feet, particularly when you are wearing shoes. The same idea happens in your armpits. The palms of your hands also sweat a lot but you do not usually have an odor from them because they are out in the open.

Why Do Certain Parts Of Your Body Like Your Feet Sweat More Than Others?

You have sweat glands all over your body. However, the reason that the bottom of your feet, your armpits, and the palms of your hands sweat the most is that there is a large concentration of your sweat glands are. And your body needs to sweat when in warm environments or exerting a lot of energy because that is what helps keep the body’s temperature regulated. Therefore, that explains why you sweat a lot in your feet and armpits. You also have to remember that the odor coming from your feet and armpits is not from sweat. However, because you are wearing shoes that cover your feet, and wear clothing that covers your armpits (and they are covered anyway by being underneath your arm), those create a dark moistened area for bacteria to thrive. And that is why it is important to wash those areas daily so you keep them clean. If you don’t wash away the bacteria from the sweat, you are increasing your chances of developing fungal infections.

However, sometimes your feet sweat more than others, and you may notice that too when you are walking on the floor and your sweat leaves wet spots. If your feet are sweating too much, then you may have a condition called hyperhidrosis. That is when you are sweating excessively and it causes your feet to smell more. Your feet may have a white appearance and you may have a hard time gripping the shoes with your feet. Causes can be hyperhidrosis genetic or it may be a condition that can develop over time for various reasons.

How Can You Treat Hyperhidrosis?

If you are noticing that your feet are sweating too much and smelling too much, then you will want to see your doctor. There are medications for it. At the very worst, you may need surgery but medication and caring for your feet will usually help solve the problem. The best thing to do is to alternate your shoes every other day. One day wear one pair of shoes, and then the next day, wear another pair, and then rinse and repeat. You will want to clean your shoes with odor-eaters and air them out on the days you are not wearing them. Change your socks daily as well, and you need to clean your feet with soap and water daily.

Even if you do not have hyperhidrosis, it is a good idea to do that anyway as you can still end up with smelly feet and be at risk for fungal infections such as athlete’s foot if you don’t. It is the same idea as you needing to clean your armpits each day. As long as you keep taking care of your feet properly, then you should be fine, but at least now you know why your feet get sweaty.

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