Why Is This Hidden From The Public: 10 Biggest Causes Of Cancer That We Use Every Day!

Back in the day, it seemed like virtually nothing in this world was bad or cancerous for you. Even smoking was not considered a harmful thing at one point. But now that we’ve got the studies and technology to look deeper into our world, we’re able to truly test what is cancer-causing and what’s not. Unfortunately, it now seems like just about everything we touch or consume puts us at risk of developing cancer.

Why Is This Hidden From The Public: 10 Biggest Causes Of Cancer That We Use Every Day!

Back in the day, it seemed like virtually nothing in this world was bad or cancerous for you. Even smoking was not considered a harmful thing at one point. But now that we’ve got the studies and technology to look deeper into our world, we’re able to truly test what is cancer-causing and what’s not. Unfortunately, it now seems like just about everything we touch or consume puts us at risk of developing cancer.

The thing is, cancer is such a big threat to our lives, so it is important to study what causes it and what doesn’t. But even with these studies, the sad truth is that there are several causes of cancer that are hidden from the public for the benefit of the pharmaceutical industry. If no one gets cancer, the pharmaceutical industry would decline.

But lucky for you, we’ve got the scoop on what’s really bad for you. Let’s take a look at the ten biggest causes of cancer that we, unfortunately, use every day. If you find you use one of these, it may be time to stop or limit it going forward.

Hormones found in meat and dairy

Meat and milk hormones

In order to speed up the process of meat and milk production, cows and other animals are fed with a bunch of artificial hormones. These hormones, which are artificial and toxic, promote inflammation and cancer in the body.

X-rays and airport scanners

Mammography, dental X-rays, airport scanners

These machines produce deadly rays that have been shown to cause cancer in rats and humans. Unfortunately, they are common in today’s society and are hard to avoid. 

Aluminum in deodorants and antiperspirants

Aluminum in deodorants

It turns out that practicing good hygiene can kill you. Most deodorants and antiperspirants are filled with aluminum, which can increase your risk of cancer when exposed in excess. It might be best to use organic or homemade options instead.

Many cosmetics

Toxic cosmetics

Let’s face it––we all like to have glowing and beautiful. But while you may think that cosmetic products are all good, many of them are actually very harmful to your overall health. Many cosmetics are high in petroleum and coal tar, which are known to promote the growth of cancerous cells.

GMO soy and corn

GMO soybeans and corn

The truth of the matter is, most soy products are genetically modified and include the ingredient hemagglutinin, which makes red corpuscles turn into clots. Basically, it alters the body in ways that promote cancer growth.

Refined sugar

Artificial sweeteners

As a GMO product, refined sugar is unhealthy overall. Additionally, it increases your body’s insulin levels. It also causes cancer, of course.

Fluoridated water

Fluoridated water

Fluoride flushes minerals out of the body, which works to weaken the body’s immunity. It is commonly found in our water sources as an added substance.

Pharmaceutical drugs

Drugs and vaccines

Unfortunately, many companies in the pharmaceutical industry are primarily out to make a profit. This means that they produce drugs that may help alleviate symptoms of one condition while wreaking havoc on the rest of your body. As a general rule, do not take pharmaceutical drugs until you absolutely need to. Natural nutrition is key.

Canned goods

Canned goods

In addition to the high sodium and preservative content in the food itself, the cans are actually lined with bisphenol-A (BPA), which is shown to genetically change the brain cells in rats and humans.

Commercial toothpaste, soaps, shampoos, and creams

Commercial soaps, pastes, creams and shampoos

In general, the things that you eat, drink or come in contact with end up being in your bloodstream. Some of the most common items you use, such as toothpaste and soaps, may have colors and perfumes that promote cancerous growth in the body. Whenever possible, use organic products instead. 

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