Seven Vegetables That Are Healthier For You When Cooked

Seven Vegetables That Are Healthier For You When Cooked

Many people have started the raw food diet trend, and that also includes raw veganism. The belief is that the less processed the food is, the better, and there is truth to that. However, you need some cooked foods such as meats and fish because if you cook those foods, you are killing off bacteria that can be the culprit of food poisoning. However, here is the thing. Cooked is better otherwise, especially when it comes to certain vegetables because there are specific vegetables that are a lot more nutritious cooked than raw. Let’s go over those ones right now.


Mushrooms are good for you raw, but they are better for you if you cook them because they contain a powerful antioxidant called ergothioneine. That antioxidant is excellent for protecting your cells from oxidation. The only way to release ergothioneine is by cooking the mushrooms. Eating your mushrooms raw is not going to hurt you, but you will not be reaping the benefits of ergothioneine either.


You do know that every living organism has cells, and that includes vegetables. And those essential nutrients are trapped in the cell walls, especially asparagus. However, once you cook the asparagus, those cell walls break down, and that releases the nutrients which you can absorb easier in the body. Asparagus contains vitamins A, B9, C, and E, and you will have a much easier time absorbing them if you cook the asparagus.


Spinach has plenty of nutrients, including magnesium, iron, zinc, and calcium. But you will not absorb them that well if you eat spinach raw. Like asparagus, those nutrients are trapped in the cell walls. And if you cook spinach, you will easily absorb those essential nutrients. Additionally, it releases bound calcium, which makes it much easier to absorb.


Raw carrots are good for you because it contains plenty of fiber. However, cooked carrots have additional benefits. Firstly, cooked carrots contain the carotenoid beta-carotene as the body helps convert that to vitamin A which is a fat-soluble vitamin that not only supports the immune function but is good for your vision and bone growth. You will also want to cook carrots with the skin because it can help increase the power of antioxidants that it contains. However, don’t fry carrots, or else it will reduce the amount of beta-carotene in them.


Tomatoes are technically fruits, but they taste good with vegetables, and tomatoes are healthier when cooked as well. That is because when you cook tomatoes, they increase the number of the antioxidant lycopene, and that helps with reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Yes, it is true that cooking tomatoes can reduce the vitamin C content, but it does drastically increase lycopene.

Green Beans

Green beans eaten raw is not so good, but that is up to whoever is eating them. However, cooked green beans are better for your health because they have high levels of antioxidants. Therefore, you will want to bake them, as well as microwave or steam them because they will produce a lot of antioxidants which are excellent for your overall health. Try not to fry, boil, or pressure cook them as they can lose their potency.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are broccoli, kale, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, and cauliflower. And therefore, they contain glucosinolates which are sulfur-containing phytochemicals as they convert to so many compounds of cancer-fighting properties if you cook them. And you will end up with the same amount of vitamin C in these vegetables raw if you steam them. Therefore, add them to your diet unless you have thyroid conditions, as cruciferous vegetables are not ideal in that case.

Therefore, enjoy your vegetables cooked, because so many of them are better for you! Look for recipes that involve cooking vegetables to try out for dinner.

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